TATTOO ARTIST APPLICATION Thank you for your intrest in working with us at Rad Ink. Please fill out the application below. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastPreferred Name / Pronouns: (If applicable)Instagram Handle *Email *Phone *When would you be able to start with us? *Do you have clients in the area? *Do you charge by piece, day or do you have an hourly rate? if so, what is your rate? *What is your current percentage or booth rent? *How many years experience do you have tattooing? *How did you learn to tattoo? *Example: Who you Apprenticed under / Self Taught / Tattoo School / YouTube.Are you a specialist in one tattoo style or do you specialize in multiple tattoo styles? Please elaborate. *Where do you currently work? Do they know your plans on leaving? *Do you want to travel? *Example: Guest spots / ConventionsAre you married? Do you have kids? *Hobbies outside of tattooing? *Do you do any drugs or drink alcohol? If so, what is your drug/drink of choice? *Do you party often or just occasionally get down? *Are you interested in growth as a person and an artist or are you perfect as is? *Do you believe in tattoo therapy? *What are some of your goals? *Financial and PersonalDo you eventually want to own your own studio? *Are you racist, sexist, homophobic or anti-trans? *Please provide at least 3 references *Name – Phone number – Years Known – ReleationPrevious Studio *Name of studio – Dates Employed – Reason for leavingPrevious Studio *Name of studio – Dates Employed – Reason for leavingPrevious StudioName of studio – Dates Employed – Reason for leavingPrevious StudioName of studio – Dates Employed – Reason for leavingPrevious StudioName of studio – Dates Employed – Reason for leavingPlease upload a picture of your ID: * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a picture of your blood-borne pathogen certificate: * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Please upload a picture of your tattoo license: * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. WebsiteSubmit